Sunday, June 27, 2010


I just watched Armageddon on a whim... There are some old movies that don't actually age.. Shawshank Redemption is a movie that comes to mind that came out during the same era.

The scene with Bruce Willis in the end when he sacrifices himself to safe the planet is one of the great scenes in movie history... but it makes you think about life & death & the wonderment that is wrapped around both. There are SO many beautiful things in the universe. One of the most awe-inspiring scenes I've ever scene is the earth rise footage. To go up in space & look down at the world... anomaly
With only 19 years under my belt death seams more like an anomaly. I've only truly experience death once, when Uncle Brian passed early this year. The business of school helped me "coupe" with the loss, but earlier this week I was going through pictures on my computer & came across a batch of him with my brother & sister. It caught me off guard. Emotions i thought i buried came rushing out & tears started streaming down my face. Even writing about the experience makes my eyes water. Looking back I don't think I had time to sort things out.. so that baggage is still hanging over my head... It's scary thinking about growing older, not because of the aging process but because you are bound to run into death again.. blaah.

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling, we get hide our emotions by creating to do lists. It is like we can't stay still and face ourselves in this age.
