Wednesday, July 28, 2010

fyi, the metric system BLOWS

the fall of the car industry is best seen in Detroit. The hundreds of empty, decaying factories & buildings stand as monuments of a once internationally respected city. What's even more infuriating is that the second you go over the border you notice a great economic shift. The roads are nicer, the buildings aren't desolate, people are roaming the streets.. Even the air is different. 2,286 meters distance away... (canada is rubbing off on me,... meters, tsk)

A lot has been going on lately. I'm on my family trip now. It's been good in the sence that it hasn't been bad. I've enjoyed the time with my family although I have to admit, I spend a lot of time reading & listening to audiobooks but still, It's not every day or even every week that I see my Whole family together in one place. Getting here was a bit of a chore. we were following the gps & we get to detroit... but somehow we made our way from detroit, past toledo, halfway to clevland. I was SO pissed but we eventually made our way back. Like I said earlier, detroit is in a sorry state. It really is interesting crossing the boarder & seeing such a radical difference. I hear the bordertowns economy was greatly affected by the economical turmoil detroit has been going through beause everything is cheaper in america so they came over to buy a lot of their goods from us, but you don't see it driving down the main streets.

one thing spending all this time with my family has opened my eyes to is this fact. My brother is a goat. I love him & I think at heart he's a good kid, but the teenage years of rebellion & mischief are hitting him hard. It's interesting watching him battle each of us in turn. It's a shame really, I see so much potential.. he's intelligent, hard working, independent, deliberate, resilient.. but slightly evil. his manipulation tactics are a work of art. I anxiously await to see the man he'll become..

I think I've outlined most of my schedule for this upcoming semester...

Foundations of Biology MTWThF 12:30pm - 1:20pm
bio Lab --------------------- T 2:00pm - 4:45pm
General Chemestry ---- MTWTh 9:30am - 10:20am
G. Chem Lab ------------- M 2:30pm - 5:20pm
Genetics ------------------- MWF 10:30am - 11:20am
Genetics Lab ------------- W 6:30pm - 9:20pm
Materialism & Idealism MW 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Medical Terminology Th 3:00pm - 5:00

calc - once a week?
Bible Study


Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
After 5:30

Friday 2:00pm - 6:00pm // midnight - 4am
Sunday 10:00am - 5:00am

Making it was fun cus I looked at each class in turn but after I finished the rough draft it hit me..
I have a Crap load of work to do/learn next semester. If people don't see me as often understand that I'm probably battling for control, attempting to show Andrews that I wear the pants in our twisted relationship...

I know I'm all over the place.. but i realized that this is mostly for me, so you'll all just have to deal with it =P

Racial prejudice has been on my mind a lot lately. I often say the phrase, "I hate black people". yes, it's in a joking manner but there has always been a layer of truth to that statement. I hate the stereotype that is so often perceived, lazy, ignorant, uneducated.. I've been slapped in the face with the realization that by me saying I hate black people has only added fuel to the flame that is Racism. That's why I'm making this declaration here, so that all who read this & know me can hold me accountable.. The declaration is this, - I will fight Racial discrimination first by actively & intentionally monitoring myself & the way I treat the people around me, be then black, white, yellow, green.. even Guatemalan. - I'm done adding onto the mental chains we put on each other.

It's been a long day so I'm going to go & sleep... after I finish one of the books I'm in.
Farewell all.

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